What's especially great is that he ate quite a bit of food from the garden, and there is still so much! One evening he called and asked how to cook green beans, and when we got back I noticed that several onions are no longer around -- I'm assuming those also were used in meal-preparation. And, he mentioned having eaten cucumbers and zucchini and blueberries. I am pretty pleased with the outcomes all around.
Meanwhile, "pepper alley" has really poured on the steam in terms of production. The bell peppers are getting big:

As are the grilling peppers:
The Czech Black jalapeno plant is pretty well covered in little hot peppers:
And the Feherezon peppers are also producing well.
The melon plants are beginning to make little tiny melons, and I am looking forward to watching those mature. The popcorn is tall and just starting to tassle, but the okra haven't opened any flowers yet. Soon, though, that too will begin.
I am very feeling very fortunate in having had some good-enough gardening weather here, and a son who is both willing and able to take care of the garden (and house and dogs and cat) while I'm gone.
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